United States Coast Guard Marine Vapor Control Systems
WNEC has provided third party certifying review for compliance with U.S. Coast Guard safety regulations for a number of new marine vapor control systems and re-certification reviews for a number of older marine vapor control systems. Projects have ranged from the East Coast to the West Coast, from the Gulf Coast to inland waterways of the United States, and have included not only marine loading operations and barge cleaning operations. Cargoes loaded include petroleum products and numerous different chemicals. At one location up to 80 different cargoes were listed as potential cargoes. Typically, the number of cargoes loaded range from four to six. WNEC has worked with each of the major equipment manufacturers of marine vapor control systems as well as some manufacturers of unique and non-typical marine vapor control systems.
Third party certification requires that the Certifying Entity, WNEC, have a complete working knowledge of all applicable US Coast Guard safety regulations and Guidelines that deal with the loading of marine vessels that utilize vapor control systems. Additionally, the Certifying Entity must have knowledge of applicable Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC).